Suboxone Treatment TennesseeYou can end your opioid addiction by considering the suboxone treatment. If you are ready to get treatment for your opioid addiction, we are glad to help. Serving all of Tennessee, our family medicine specialist Winston Griner, MD, at Affordable & Restorative Health, offers customized treatment plans to help you recover from your addiction. Contact the office or book an online appointment for effective relief today.

How Does Suboxone Work?

Suboxone is a prescription drug that combines Buprenorphine and Naloxone, mainly used for opioid addiction. Buprenorphine and Naloxone work chemically to treat narcotic(opiate) addiction and are not for use as pain medication. Buprenorphine relieves withdrawal symptoms, while naloxone helps reverse the effects of opioids. Suboxone is safer for addiction management than pills.
Suboxone treatment is FDA approved and involves taking a daily dose of Suboxone instead of pain pills or street opioids. When you visit Affordable & Restorative Health seeking help for your opioid addiction, Dr. Griner will guide you throughout your treatment and recovery journey until you are free from addiction.

While suboxone can help with your opioid addiction, getting a comprehensive treatment plan is essential. Therapy and counseling identify the underlying reason for opioid use and help you manage pain and stress.

Suboxone enables you to minimize the health, economic and social implications caused by illicit drug abuse. It is an effective option for patients unable or who are unable or unwilling to seek treatment. You must withdraw from opioid use 12 to 24 hours before the initial dose is administered during treatment.

What are the Benefits of Suboxone Treatment?

  • Suboxone minimizes the risk of overdosing on opioids and relapse
  • Ability to maintain your job and perform daily activities
  • Improved or safer birth for addicted pregnant mothers
  • Increased patient survival rates after treatment
  • Decreased illicit substance abuse after rehabilitation
  • Decreases the risks of drug abuse diseases and overdose

Before Suboxone Treatment

Before taking suboxone medication, tell the doctor if you have ever had:

  • A kidney or thyroid disorder
  • An allergic reaction to buprenorphine or naloxone
  • Tooth problems
  • Sleep apnea or other sleeping problems
  • Urination problems
  • Alcoholism and drug addiction
  • Head injury, seizure, or tumor

What Happens During Treatment?

Suboxone medication is administered in film (placed under the tongue) or tablet form. You will be given specific instructions on how to take medicine.

Dr. Griner will closely monitor your progress through every phase of treatment. He offers various treatment plans, including:

  • Weekly treatment plan
  • Biweekly treatment plan
  • Monthly treatment plan

The first phase of suboxone treatment is the withdrawal phase. The symptoms experienced during withdrawal are incredibly uncomfortable and potentially life-threatening. Suboxone eases opioid withdrawal symptoms. The second phase is maintenance, where you will be under constant supervision. When the treatment is complete, your dosage will be gradually reduced until you no longer need it.

Suboxone is a depressant that slows down your opioid symptoms until you start experiencing pain relief, calmness, relaxation, overall well-being, and reduced stress levels. Attending all your follow-up appointments is essential for an effective and successful recovery.

Is A Suboxone Treatment Ideal for You?

If you have a strong desire or will to stop opioid use but are unable due to the nasty withdrawal symptoms, you are an ideal candidate for suboxone treatment.

You can also benefit from the treatment if you cannot control your opioid dependence, have significant changes in your sleeping habits, and have uncontrollable cravings for opioids.
Once you start your suboxone treatment, you must not take alcohol or benzodiazepines because they can lead to severe medical conditions such as an increased risk of respiratory failure.

At Affordable & Restorative Health, we work with you throughout your rehabilitative process. We compassionately treat your opioid addiction until you are fully recovered. Contact us for more information about suboxone treatments or book an appointment online today.